Monday, July 23, 2007

Week Six . . . Wrapping Up

It's hard to think I've already spent my six weeks working at Architerra!

In my last week, while things were business as usual for me, the rest of the office was working extra hard trying to get together 100 percent of the Brooks Science Building's Construction Documents so the drawings could be compiled and sent off to various companies, like engineering ones. This required finishing drawings using a computer program called CADD (Computer Aided Design and Drafting), making sure the drawing's numbers and titles matched up with the table of contents, PDFing them, and sending them off so copies could be made and sent to the recipients.

Meanwhile, I did many other tasks. Submittals had started coming in with more volume, so I logged these in and sent them out through the UPS Store. I changed some previously created document covers so that they could be used for the Brooks Project Manual and Construction Documents that everyone was working on. I also made around 10 or 11 transmittals for the recipients of these drawings. I also made another quick stop to Staples for more file folders and made some design folders for the Stonyfield Farm project's file cabinet.

Many places and schools like Brooks often contact Architerra for inquiries about designing their own buildings, so Architerra will send them a spiral-bound booklet showing their experience in past and current projects. For this reason, Ellen asked me to print out 12 copies of pages (already created) describing their projects. I went through the network folders on the computer and found each of the pages Ellen pointed out to me in an old booklet. These included Brooks, the Cambridge School, UNH, and many others that I didn't even know they had worked on, like the University of North Carolina. This was cool because I got to see all of Architerra's projects, and ones that Ellen, Dan, Daniel, and Andy had done before Architerra was even a firm. Each page had pictures or drawings of the buildings plus written descriptions. Since it takes a while to print 12 copies, I read through each one of the pages and learned a lot about them all.

Before I left on my last day, Friday, all of Architerra had some celebratory chips and drinks for making their 100 percent CD deadline and also for my time spent working with them. I want to thank everybody there for having me this summer. I will never forget my amazing experience working at their architecture firm!!

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