Monday, July 16, 2007

Week Five . . . Making Progress

Five weeks down, one to go. Having finished coloring the Brooks floor plans, I did a few smaller projects. Dan, another principle at the firm, had taken a few pictures of our Johnson Science Building during his visit to Brooks the Thursday before. I took three images (the left, middle, and right parts of the building) and used all my photoshop knowledge I gained during my internship to paste them together into one picture of Johnson. I did this so Dan could add notes in the margines of the picture, saying what on the building needed to be fixed or removed.

I also helped paint some foam blocks, which represented rooms in Architerra's Planned Parenthood project in Worcester. Like the Brooks floor plans, different colors represented different types of rooms. These were presented the following day to the consultants and owners of Planned Parenthood.

On Thursday, I accompanied Dan to Brooks for a construction meeting. We walked around the site, which was completely excavated at that point. The land was flattened and, to me, pretty much unrecognizable. The view from our science classrooms will be so different this coming school year, since whatever was there is now gone. But it will also be fun to see the construction of the new science building in progress. The spot where the solar cupola will be was marked as it represents one of the most important reference points for the building. Among other things, the atrium fans out from there. The marker was labeled 'G/4' according to the grid system of the plans for the building.

Also, the garage under the big oak tree was opened the week before I visited Brooks. It was basically empty, crushing hopes of finding anything interesting in there. Now all that's left of it is one wall.

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